A little urban hub to Inspire a

Heart-led, Intentional & Visionary Economy

Tucked away on Butter Lane, just off Knaresborough's Market Square, the HIVE is a place for us to come together and take the steps on our personal and collective journeys towards a Wellbeing Economy... A regenerative future full of possibilities & opportunities.

The HIVE in Knaresborough is a pilot and currently open on Fridays from 12-2pm.

A few things to explore together at the HIVE hub...

  • Ways to be inspired by the themes of the HIVE and principles of the 'wellbeing economy' and how we might weave them into our homes, work & lifestyles;

  • to share the latest local and regional solutions (products & services) we can support;

  • An idea you might have for a product or service you could offer and promote through our HIVE either as a community builder or ecopreneur;

  • ways in which we can support our kids to explore their creativity and ecopreneur skills for the future.

What's On?!


Conversation Cafes


This conversation cafe is focused on sharing regenerative projects that are happening locally so we can capture them on our maps so others can learn more...

We have a map on the hub wall and a digital map on the One Planet ecosystem.

Drop in to learn more!

Coming soon...

Force for Nature is a conversation cafe for young people.

"70% of young people are eco-anxious. We urgently need spaces to have open conversations about the climate crisis, how it makes us feel, and work in our communities to turn these feelings into action.This is why we launched climate cafés."

***Please see our volunteers opportunities on the noticeboard below!

Coming soon...

Face to face meet ups to ‘Chatter & Natter’ around our kitchen table.

Chatter & Natter tables are hosted by Chatty Table Volunteers.

***Please see our volunteers opportunities on the noticeboard below!


We need some help...

Can you help us at the Knaresborough HIVE?!

Join the Board!

Can you help up guide the vision and impact for our pilot here in Knaresborough?

Sign up to Volunteer!

Could you help us as a Volunteer to help us run conversation cafes?

Repair Workshops

Can you help us run repair workshops on the weekends?


If you'd like to use the HIVE hub space - we'd love to share!

Got a project or initative you'd like to share on our noticeboard!?

We'd love to help...



Our shop is waiting for your amazing products & solutions!

  • Do you have an idea for a community project that you'd like to explore and/or showcase at the HIVE?

  • Do you have an idea for a new product of service and would like to trial at the HIVE?

POP UPS for artists & local entrepreneurs

Got an idea for an eco product you'd like to trial in our tiny shop? Or, perhaps you'd like to schedule a weekly or monthly Pop Up shop? We'd love to hear about it!

RegenerEAT Chefs

Can you help us prepare locally sourced and prepared meals to sell from our hub fridge? We'd love to collaborate!

Send us a message using the form below if you'd like to get in touch to discuss this opportunity further.


2 Butter Lane, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, UK

2 Butter Ln., Knaresborough HG5 9ET, United Kingdom

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